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Instead of GOTHAM you can use...

Deena Englard

Gotham font

Remember back in the day when we used Gotham for EVERY project?

Or am I dating myself?

Here are some great alternative quintessential simple sans that are incredibly stylistically flexible:

Instead of Gotham you can use...

Montserrat font


Google Fonts / designed by Julieta Ulanovsky, Sol Matas, Juan Pablo del Peral, Jacques Le Bailly

Proxima Nova font

Proxima Nova

Adobe Fonts / designed by Mark Simonson

Metropolis font


Fonts Arena / designed by Chris Simpson


Hebrew fonts guide free sites frocks in stock


Pier Sans font

Pier Sans

Pangram Pangram / designed by Mat Desjardins

Arboria font


Adobe Fonts / designed by Type O Tones

Mark Pro font

FF Mark Pro

My Fonts / designed by Hannes von Döhren, Christoph Koeberlin

Gilroy font


My Fonts / designed by Radomir Tinkov


Great sites for free (commercial use) fonts

Google Fonts -

Adobe Typekit -

Font Squirrel -


Other articles with free sans serif fonts

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