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Eclipse creative marketing roundup

Deena Englard

In the midst of this celestial spectacle lies a playground for brands to unleash their wildest ideas.

Monumental events like this provide a unique opportunity for brands to flex their creativity and leverage the occasion to stand out.

From clever copy to striking visuals, let's dive into some of the most imaginative eclipse-themed campaigns.

So, grab your eclipse glasses, and bask in the brilliance of these creative advertising and marketing campaigns!

Creative Eclipse Advertisements Roundup

Krispy Kreme eclipse advertising

Krispy Kreme

Producing a special-edition donut - now that's something I could look at all day 😋!

Sun Chips eclipse advertising and design

Sun Chips

When your name just fits the event too perfectly to pass miss it. This special edition flavor was available for purchase only during the 5 minutes of totality. #scarcity

Moon Pie Brutality in the Totality eclipse marketing
Moon Pie special edition eclipse product

Moon Pie

A little creative analogy comparing the moon covering the sun to a boxing match. The Moon Pie 2024 Total Eclipse Survival Kit comes with 2 eclipse glasses in addition to the regular chocolates they sell.

Blue Moon eclipse marketing

Blue Moon

Again, a name too good to pass this opportunity by without making some noise. They had a giveaway to one lucky winner of enough free beer to last them for 20 years - until the 2044 total solar eclipse. They also sold a Solar Eclipse Kit with glow in the dark glasses, flashlights, and edible moon dust ✨ - to brighten your eclipse-watching party.

Pizza Hut eclipse advertising and design special

Pizza Hut

A designer had fun here!

(Also, can we talk about how cheap non-Kosher 🍕 pizza is?!)

Smoothie King eclipse marketing promotion

Smoothie King

Cuz who doesn't want free stuff?

(I would have but Berry Blitz on the same line and moved Smoothie down to accommodate it, having 3 lines of text but at least it would read correctly)

RV eclipse marketing

Go RVing

The perfect event to play into your marketing when your audience is all about travel adventures. They even created an eclipse trip planning guide. Now that's understanding and serving your target audience. 🤌

KFC eclipse ad design


Another on-theme clever design. This the caption: Stare away.

Also note how the logo is not only not "bigger" but even difficult to read 🤩.

Sunny Cleveland clever eclipse video

Greeting from Sunny Cleveland

This humorous video is a twist on the classic tourist promo showcasing all of Cleveland's finest attractions and views (especially the outdoor sightseeing ones 😂) - while in the near pitch-black of the total eclipse. It cleverly highlights Cleveland's best features, while also highlighting its unique position for watching the eclipse.

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